Of about 800 delegates from 43 countries who attended the 2010 International Nuclear Physics Conference, there was a significant student presence of over 120 students. Two award sessions were held to honour and distinguish student and young scholar excellence during the conference.
On Wednesday, three young scientists (less than 8 years after their PhD) were presented the prestigious IUPAP 2010 Young Scientist Prize in Nuclear Physics, awarded by the C-12 Commission of Nuclear Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Three prizes are awarded every three years at the International Nuclear Physics conference. |
The 2010 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize Winners are: |
- Dr Kenji Fukushima, YITP, Kyoto University, Japan, for "his development of the effective chiral model with the Polyakov loop coupling as an effective theory for the quark degrees of freedom."
- Dr Peter Mueller, Argonne National Laboratory, United States, for "the development of laser trapping and cooling techniques to make the first precise measurements of the charge radii of the neutron-rich nuclei, 6He and 8He; highly sensitive trace isotope abundance analysis, and; for experimental studies of fundamental interactions."
- Dr Lijuan Ruan, Brookhaven National laboratory, United States, for "her pivotal role in the development, installation and commissioning of the STAR detector Time-of-Flight system using multi- gap resistive plate chambers."
The purpose of this prize is to recognize and encourage very promising experimental or theoretical research in nuclear physics, including the advancement of a method, a procedure, a technique, or a device that contributes in a significant way to nuclear physics research. Candidates for the prize must have a maximum of eight years of research experience following the Ph.D. degree. The IUPAP C12 Nuclear physics commission members form the selection committee. For more details on the award, please see the C-12 Commission web page. |
During the second award session, the best oral and poster presentations of a student at the conference were awarded to four students. The four awards were sponsored by the Elsevier-Journal Nuclear Physics A. Prize winners of the poster competition were announced on Friday in the plenary session.
The prize-winners received a best presentation award certificate from the Publisher of Elsevier Nuclear Physics A on behalf of the Editorial Board and the INPC local organizing committee. The award was sponsored with Euro 1000 for best oral presentation and Euro 500, 300, and 200 for the best poster presentations. |
Best oral student presentation:
- Paul Finlay (Guelph, Canada) for Ultra-High Precision Half-Life and Branching Ratio Measurements for the Super-allowed beta+ Emitter 26mAl
Best poster student presentation:
- Young Jin Kim ( Indiana University, USA) An Experimental Search on the Electron EDM Based on Solid-State Techniques
- Evan Rand (Guelph, Canada) for Geant4 Simulations for the Radon Electric Dipole Moment Search at TRIUMF
- Thomas Brunner (TU Munich, Germany) for In Trap double-beta spectroscopy at TITAN
The selection of judges for the poster and oral presentations was organized through the Local Organizing Committee and the Editorial Board of Nuclear Physics A. Judges for oral presentation award include:
- B. Jennings (TRIUMF, Canada) Chair
- S. Leoni (University of Milano and INFN Milan, Italy)
- J. Blackmon (Louisiana State University, USA)
- M. Fujiwara (University of Calgary and TRIUMF, Canada)
- H. Sakurai (RIKEN, Japan)
- F. Buchinger (McGill University, Canada)
- J. Stachel (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Judges for poster presentation award include:
- J. D'Auria (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Chair
- R. Hayano (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- H. Nitsche (UC Berkeley, USA)
- Herlert (CERN, Switzerland)
- M. Oka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- A. Arcones (GSI, Germany)
- H. Wilschut (KVI, Netherlands)
- K. Mayer ( European Commission & Institute for Transuranium Elements, Germany)
- S. Bacca (TRIUMF, Canada)
- Bracco (INFN and University of Milano, Italy)
- M. Carpenter (Angonne, USA)
- T. Motobayashi (RIKEN, Japan)
- C. Andreoiu (SFU, Canada)